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At 18/09/2014 05:08 PM (), you wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Came across this link to a new
set of ads / posters for this train. <br><br>
One of them very reminiscent of some CPR visuals done in the 50's for The
Credit Valley Explorer------Nework was originally contracted to design
the Explorer logo in 2005. Over the years that followed we also created a
number of original marketing posters designed to highlight key elements
of the tour train experience.<br><br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Not the
expected experience by far: interupted wedding party photoshoot last
saturday on trestle dashes for safety when the CVR Explorer shows up
<<a href="
Loading Image..." eudora="autourl">
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">
<a href="http://nework.com/portfolio/credit-valley-explorer/" eudora="autourl">
Point laire Qc </blockquote></body>
<font face="Courier New, Courier"> Trace history of Canadian
Pacific Sleeping Dining & Parlor Cars:<br>
<<a href="http://pages.globetrotter.net/burridge/CPR_SDP_HistTrace.ods" eudora="autourl">
<font face="Courier, Courier">Railways of Quebec City and South-Eastern
<<a href="http://pages.globetrotter.net/burridge/index.htm" eudora="autourl">
</font> <font face="Courier New, Courier">Gerry Burridge - P.O. Box
152 - Pte.Claire, Que. - H9R 4N9 - CANADA<br>
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<hr style="height:2px ; border-width:0; color:#E3E3E3; background-color:#E3E3E3;">
Posted by: G Burridge <gburridge-/***@public.gmane.org> <hr style="height:2px ; border-width:0; color:#E3E3E3; background-color:#E3E3E3;">
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