VIA No. 2 Ex Vancouver July 22 And No 1 Ex Toronto July 26,2014
'DAVID J. SCOTT' tiadjs-FFYn/CNdgSA@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-07-26 20:04:10 UTC
On July 24 VIA  put out an Advisory that Train No. 2 Ex Vancouver July 22  will encounter an important delay  due to operational issues.
Jul;y 26 they advise  that the ETA Toronto as 5:30pm.

Train No.1: Due to operational issues train 1 that will depart  Toronto on July 26, 2014 will now depart at 1:00 am on July 27,2014.
David Scott
Jon Calon jon.yg-E/5X+czw1vY@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-07-26 21:17:13 UTC
I really wish that VIA would stop saying "encounter an important delay". They should say "encounter an unfortunate delay" or "will be delayed"...

On July 24 VIA put out an Advisory that Train No. 2 Ex Vancouver July 22 will encounter an important delay due to operational issues.
Jul;y 26 they advise that the ETA Toronto as 5:30pm.
Train No.1: Due to operational issues train 1 that will depart Toronto on July 26, 2014 will now depart at 1:00 am on July 27,2014.
David Scott
Fred Mills millsf-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-07-26 22:04:42 UTC
What they probably are trying to avoid saying, is: Delays caused by CN not
having a slot for Via Rail trains.

Tell me if I'm wrong, please. But, even with Via paying for replacing a
whole lot of track, that CN took out years ago, and adding a hell of a lot
of the third track in the corridor; there hasn't been much improvement if
any, for Via. I rather think the whole project was just a quiet way to GIVE
CN a whole bunch of new track, at tax-payers' expense. Heck; it would seem
that Via should now be able to beat the 4 hour Ottawa/Toronto travel time,
by at least 15 minutes, on almost every trip. The Rapido used to be able to,
years ago, on the Montreal/Toronto run, and there was little welded rail
back then, and none of the improvements we have seen lately.

Fred Mills

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Christian Base christian.base-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-07-26 22:24:36 UTC
Agreed. However, I think it's a "lost in translation" error and they are shooting for "significant" but coming up with "important."

Christian Base

Sent from my iPhone... please excuse tyops.
Post by Jon Calon jon.yg-E/5X+***@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
I really wish that VIA would stop saying "encounter an important delay". They should say "encounter an unfortunate delay" or "will be delayed"...
On July 24 VIA put out an Advisory that Train No. 2 Ex Vancouver July 22 will encounter an important delay due to operational issues.
Jul;y 26 they advise that the ETA Toronto as 5:30pm.
Train No.1: Due to operational issues train 1 that will depart Toronto on July 26, 2014 will now depart at 1:00 am on July 27,2014.
David Scott
tbox-7i5HoP2kWQc@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-07-26 22:51:08 UTC
Post by Jon Calon jon.yg-E/5X+***@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
I really wish that VIA would stop saying "encounter an
important delay".
I quite agree. It's a poor translation from French to English.
In some contexts, "important" means the same thing in French and
English, but not always. It has a broader meaning in French,
where it can also mean "big".

For example, a publication called Discover Canada/Découvir le Canada,

written by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration for new
immigrants, says, in its French version: "elle [Halifax] abrite
la plus importante base navale du Canada." That's not a value
judgement saying that the Halifax base is more significant than
the one in Esquimalt. It just means that it's bigger. In the
English version, it says "Halifax ... is home to Canada's largest
naval base."

The same document says "Toronto est la plus importante ville du
Canada." If you don't grasp the differing nuances of meaning of
"important" in French and English, you might take that as a sign
of the arrogance of Torontonians, but it's not meant that way at
all. The English version says "Toronto is the largest city in
Canada", and that's all the French version means, when it says
"la plus importante". It's not a value judgement.

The Citizenship and Immigration translator understood that
"important" in French shouldn't always be rendered by the same
word in English. Unfortunately, VIA's translator hasn't done
as good a job. In this context, "lengthy delay" or "significant
delay" would be better.

Tom Box
tbox at ncf dot ca
Port Hope, ON, Canada
