OS: VIA #71 1 September, 2014
douglas.bardeau-FFYn/CNdgSA@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-09-01 14:21:42 UTC
Monday 1 September, 2014
London VIA Station

#71 (0:07L)

6414 F40PH-2r
3467 LRC Clubr
3308 LRC Coach
3352 LRC Coach

3322 LRC Coach

4101 HEP-II Coach
4116 HEP-II Coach
4119 HEP-II Coach
4102 HEP-II Club
6442 F40PH-2r
(8 cars)

Speculation: This will become #48 (after #76) with equipment to set out at Kingston for Tuesday's #651.

Doug Bardeau
terry.johnson-erCpBsFiUh2tG0bUXCXiUA@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-09-01 20:02:04 UTC
This consist became #76 as expected. It was turned at Windsor so the HEP coaches were still trailing, and was quite full leaving Chatham so I expect all the coaches were in use after London.

Chatham, Ontario
