New connections in Reservia
Tom Box tbox-7i5HoP2kWQc@public.gmane.org [Canadian-Passenger-Rail]
2014-08-19 13:30:34 UTC
Reservia is now showing a connection in Ste-Foy from #15 to #33
for Halifax - Montreal travel. Passengers have the option of
staying on board #15 (the Ocean) for the whole trip, or
transferring to corridor train #33 in Ste-Foy. The latter
option will get passengers to Montreal 43 min faster, if both
trains are on time. [...]
In the same vein, Reservia now shows a connection in London from
#84 to #70 (or to #80 on weekends) for Sarnia - Toronto travel.
Passengers can stay on #84 all the way to Toronto, or transfer to
#70, which will get them to Toronto 46 min sooner. [...]
I'm trying to get VIA to offer a connection from #61 to #51 in
Kingston for Montreal - Cobourg travel. It's the same principle
as above: passengers can either take #51 all the way from Montreal
to Cobourg (via Ottawa), or they can take #61 from Montreal to
Kingston (via Cornwall) and transfer to #51 there. The latter
gives a faster trip, at the cost of having to change trains.
The 61-51 connection in Kingston is already allowed for Cornwall -
Cobourg travel, but not for Montreal - Cobourg.
I just noticed yesterday that Reservia is now showing the 61-51
connection in Kingston for travel from Montreal or Dorval to Cobourg
or Guildwood. I don't know when that was added, but I think it's
recent. I've booked some Montreal - Cobourg trips in the last few
months, and haven't noticed the 61-51 option until now.

#61 runs Monday to Saturday, but #51 only runs Monday to Friday. On
Saturdays, VIA ought to be offering a 61-643 connection in Kingston.
That would be useful for travel from Montreal, Dorval or Cornwall to
Napanee, Belleville, Cobourg, Port Hope or Guildwood. The connecting
time in Kingston is 1 h 38 min, longer than the 61-51 connection time
of 1 h 7 min, so it certainly looks feasible. Currently, Reservia
shows #63 as the earliest option for travel from Montreal to Belleville
or Cobourg, and says you can't get to Napanee or Port Hope at all.
I've written to VIA to suggest the 61-643 connection.

Tom Box
tbox at ncf dot ca
Port Hope, ON, Canada

Posted by: Tom Box <tbox-***@public.gmane.org>

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